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Israel leads West in child poverty

National Insurance Institute report presents grim picture of poverty levels;
third of all children below poverty line, gaps between rich and poor increase

One out of every five Israelis -- 1,500,000 people -- is poor .
Almost one out of every three Israeli children -- 714,000 -- is poor ,
and almost 394,000 families ,
more than 20.3 of Israeli families, live in poverty ,
compared to 19.3 percent a year ago .
These are some of the statistics in the yearly report by the
National Insurance Institute on the extent of poverty and inequality..
The report covers 2004 , and the forecast presented for 2005 is even gloomier.

A family is considered below the poverty line when its disposable
income is less than half the average national salary - NIS 1,383 per month.
The difference between rich and poor in Israel is also growing

714 ,000 Israeli children -Almost 33% of all of the children
in the country-live below the poverty line.
The economic crisis has taken a great toll on the
lives of Israel 's poorest children,
and many children from middle-class families are now joining their ranks.

Students Scholarship Fund for :

will not only address the needs of those Israelis
who are going hungry,
but will also deal with the broader aspects of poverty,
providing for immediate needs as well as for long-term requirements.

Support An Israeli Family

With your help , J.L.H.C. will be there for these children

Immediate/ Long-term needs/ Special Scholarship for children needs :

* Student Scholarship Fund for
Outreach ,Enrichment ,Empowerment of
Young Couples
Israeli Larg Families
Single Parents
Terror Survivors

will not only address the needs of those Israelis
who are going hungry,
but will also deal with the broader aspects of poverty,
providing for immediate needs as well as for long-term requirements:

Food & Supplies / for Shabbats / Festvals :
Rosh Hashana, Pesah, Shavuot,Hanuka

Clothings for needy families.

Support for Dental care

Eyeglasses ,Books

Study materials / Toys,

Support in Educational Activities
for children needs.



ISRAEL: Direct : 011-972-544-917-257
011-972-77-67 -67-5-67

P.O. Box:27016 Jerusalem 91270

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New York :516-6849722

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